Friday 4 April - Sunday 25 May

Gallery 4
Free Entry


Nicola McClelland

Nicola McClelland relocated to Mildura/Latji Latji Country on the banks of the Murray River in 2021. Her daily walks along the river under the endless blue sky activate new ways of seeing in an environment filled with movement, colour and light.  In her studio, specific observations, drawings and photographs of river life form the initial layers of these paintings. Through an intuitive process, including direct and indirect looking, she superimposes shapes, colours, lines and textures; a dialogue unfolding between her images and forms, and the unique riverine environment. This process oscillates between internal and external realms, allowing new and unexpected imagery to arrive.              
Exhibition opening 2pm, Saturday 5 April

Image: Nicola McClelland, Alight, 2024. Acrylic paint and mixed media on canvas